If you want a fast, clean, enjoyable, and flexible way to use (for browsing pics, not uploading) Instagram on your Mac this is the app to get. I use several other Fiplab social media apps including their Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest apps. They all work well to varying degrees, but they always had little nagging issues. Sometimes they didn’t let you do things that you should be able to do, sometimes they didn’t have options that they really should, sometimes the interface just wasn’t that clean. This is the BEST Fiplab social media app by far. It’s well designed, ascetically pleasing, has a clean interface, and gives you all of the options you might want. So far i haven’t come across anything that i can’t do. In fact, in some ways i like it more the the official Instagram mobile app. I do wish it let you double-click to “like” a photo, to simulate that double-tap iPhone experience, but clicking the little heart icon isn’t a problem. This is well worth the money. Don’t torture yourself with the Instagram website in a browser. As a side note i’ve also used Carousel, another Instagram Mac app. I liked it, and it does have the double-click to like a photo. I found this one to have a pretty interface and more options in terms of set-up preferences.